faith-Based Outreach ministry

Reaching Out to Those Truly In Need

And let us not get tired of doing what is right, for after a while we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t get discouraged and give up. That’s why whenever we should always be kind to everyone, and especially to our Christian brothers. - Gal 6: 9-10

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A Monthly Donation of $100 Can Support 15 Internally Displaced Families with Blankets for the Winter

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Donation Total: $100.00

Elderly Effected
Children Effected
Pregnant Women Effected
Orphans Effected


Power in Partnership

Fresh Start Alliance is a compassion outreach ministry of churches, mission agencies, Christian relief organizations and individuals.

Our unique approach ministry provides a platform for organizations across the world to form an Alliance in aiding distressed communities affected by political and religious persecution, war, and natural disasters.

A mobile medical convoy will move around the camps and communities to provide health, and teach sanitation and hygiene, while sharing the love of Jesus Christ. Our vision is to provide sustainable help to internally displaced people and refugees. This assistance will help them to be self-sufficient and give them a fresh start in life. FSA intends to provide skills training and community farm projects to fight hunger and food insecurity.

We believe that we are different parts of the one unified Body of Christ. In the same manner, we seek to be unified in partnering with other ministries around the globe. Thank you for your consideration in partnering with us!

May the Lord God Bless You & Your Family.

Empowerment Programs & Skills Acquisition

Rehabilitation Programs

Farming & Food Security

Widows & Orphans Programs

Spiritual Engagement & Counseling

Compassion in Strategic Partnerships

Fresh Start Alliance ( FSA ) is a Compassion Outreach Ministry of Churches, Mission Agencies, Christian Relief Organizations, and individuals working together to assist distressed communities affected by war, natural disasters, as well as political and religious persecution. Fresh Start Alliance provides the platform for partnering with organizations in different nations -- to work together to assist communities in need.

Come Partner With Us

Ministries, Churches, and non-profit organizations. Fresh Start Alliance invites you to share in our vision of empowerment. Our belief is that by combining forces and sharing resources, we can create a larger positive effect on our distressed neighbors globally. Hand in hand with Christ and each other, we can help rebuild lives and give rest to the weary and downtrodden. All who join the Alliance will have access to the Kauna Mobile Medical Clinic.

Our volunteers are students, professionals, and retirees—ordinary people with big hearts, who are eager to serve the needy. We have opportunities for anyone to make an impact within our campaigns. FSA believes that everyone has something to offer. So, we extend our hand to you.

Come & Be A Blessing!

Compassion for Those in Need

This outreach ministry is focused on those who are truly forgotten; the displaced and refugees. We believe we are called to be not only the hands and feet, but also the heart of Jesus Christ around the globe.

Our Vision & Mission

The vision is to provide sustainable means of helping these forgotten people groups to ultimately be able to provide for themselves.

Power in Partnership

We believe in a unified body, that we are different parts of the one Body of Christ. In the same manner, we seek to be unified in partnering with other ministries around the globe.

Fresh Start Alliance Goal

Our vision is to provide sustainable help to internally displaced people and refugees. This assistance will help them to be self-sufficient and give them a fresh start in life. Fresh Start Alliance intends to provide skills training and community farm projects to fight hunger and food insecurity.


Plateau State

In the summer of 2023, armed with machine guns and machetes, Fulani herdsmen ambushed over sixty peaceful villages located in the towns of Mangu and Barkin Ladi. Men, women, and children were senselessly attacked. Homes, schools, businesses, fields, and farms were ransacked, burned, and destroyed.

Over Three Hundred villagers died. Those who escaped were forcibly expelled from their ancestral homeland and are currently taking shelter in churches, schools, and makeshift camps. The children have lost access to schooling, and their mothers and fathers cannot return to work their land, or their businesses. Daily, they experience the crippling sorrow of the torment they endured.

Life for the peoples of Mangu and Barkin Ladi has been frozen in time, as we know it. They are now refugees in their very own homeland. Fresh Start Relief Network (our Nigerian branch) and affiliates have provided relief, but the needs in the camps are still quite overwhelming.

A Need For Sustainable Intervention

In the first months after any tragedy, a displaced community will experience a rush of sympathizers. Aid will pour in, but soon donor fatigue sets in. Help eventually trickles away, leaving many of the displaced families to struggle on their own.

Life in the IDP camps can be very challenging. The desperation to meet daily needs makes the women and young people very vulnerable. Children cannot get back to school and moral equity is seriously compromised. Scripture mandates the Church to take care of our brothers and sisters who have been persecuted. In a world marred by division and suffering, our acts of kindness and empathy are a beacon of hope and healing.

By extending a helping hand, offering comfort, and sharing resources, we will embody the very essence of Christ’s love. Let us remember that in acts of compassion, we become vessels of God’s grace, spreading love and light to those in need, thereby truly reflecting the teachings of Christ.

With your partnership, Fresh Start Alliance will cooperate with the communities to find lasting solutions to their pressing needs. They need our encouragement and prayers.

Chantal Village Massacre

Sarah* came to the medical outreach organized by Fresh Start Alliance in Mangu in August 2023. The nurses noticed that her blood pressure was extremely high and referred her to Dr Rebekah Ayodele who attended to her. This was her harrowing story.

The Chief and Elders of Changtal, her village were invited to a community meeting by the Ardo, (title of the Chief of the Fulani Herdsmen) living in the adjacent village.

The two communities had enjoyed relative peace for decades. This meeting was called to strengthen their relationship and to avert clashes between their communities. While the meeting was going on, they heard gunshots and screams coming from the direction of their village. Fulani herdsmen were attacking their village and killing their women and children while the meeting was going on. The flames of their burning houses were seen from the distance. They ran for their lives.

Many of them were ambushed and slaughtered. Sarah’s* husband was caught. His hands – both hands, were chopped off from the wrist and he was left to bleed to death. Sarah’s husband was undergoing treatment at the Jos Teaching Hospital when she came to the outreach.

Sarah is thirty-nine years old and has six young children. The village of Changtal is deserted and the indigenous landowners are now refugees in their homeland.

With her husband currently in the hospital and the horror of the event still so fresh in her mind, Sarah must figure out how to provide for herself and their six children. Many women at the camps have similar stories. Many in the IDP camps bear the scars of missing limbs, bullet wounds, and burns. They need physical and spiritual help and sustained counseling.

The incessant attacks by the Fulani herdsmen over the past twenty years has left Plateau State with over 35,000 widows. Some of the widows were newlyweds, some were first-time mothers; all hold within them insurmountable grief of the loss of their husbands and children. We can work together to rehabilitate them and give them a Fresh Start in life.

See the Latest Stories of Hunger & Hope

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